Wish Upon a Star Kicks off Nov. 5

October 28, 2014

Wish Upon a Star Kickoff
Wish Upon a Star Benefits more than 1,000 local children who have experienced abuse or neglect to make their holidays a little more merry.

Many of them cannot be home for the holidays because home is not safe. Each year, Santa Fe College students, faculty and staff help make their wishes come true! Groups, clubs, classes, departments and individuals select stars listing each child's name, age and three wishes for an approximate value of $50 per child.
Stars can be picked up at the kickoff on Wednesday, Nov. 5, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Santa Fe Gallery (M-147). Join the Office of Civic Engagement and Service in supporting this effort while enjoying food, drinks, music and merriment!
Can't make the kickoff? Pick up a star at the Building S front desk 11/6-11/24. Sponsors agree to wrap, package together, affix stars and return gifts to the S Building lobby no later than Monday, Dec. 1. For more information, contact Kimberly Buchholz in S137, at 381-3660 or kimberly.buchholz@sfcollege.edu.