Northwest Campus construction scheduled for completion Dec. 2014

October 9, 2014

Construction continues at SF's Northwest Campus on a project that dramatically improves the college's visibility on two main roadways, reconfigures traffic patterns and parking, and creates a pictorial welcome point for visitors and students.

As part of a multi-year effort to upgrade both primary entry points to the Northwest Campus, plans include upgrading the signage at the corner of Northwest 91 Street and Northwest 39 Avenue, a much needed reconfiguration of the college's parking lot adjacent to Northwest 83 Street, and a complete rework of the roadway and traffic pattern at the college's main entrance from 83rd Street at Administration Road.

Construction also includes new signage at both entrances, which constitutes the most visually notable aspect of the project. SF Associate Vice President of Facilities Bill Reese said he hopes the new signs, specifically the monument signage being put in place on Administration Road, will give visitors and future students a sense of place.

"This project represents one small part of the college's longstanding campus master plan," Reese said. "It's more than just signs and a monument. The foundation is laid for further improvements to our campus and roads as well."

When the current project is finished in December, the groundwork will be in place for the next project, which includes the expansion of the current two-lane section of 91 Street to four lanes, making it a primary entry point to the campus and helping to alleviate traffic congestion on 39 Avenue.
