Stay Safe, Saints!
September 10, 2014
This article is more than 10 years old and may contain outdated information.
The recent assaults on and near the UF campus are a reminder to us all to be aware of our surroundings and stay safe. Despite any rumors you may have heard, there have not been any attacks on or near the SF Campus. Nevertheless, safety is important to us all.
- Walk in pairs and avoid using your cell phone while walking.
- Stay in well-lit areas and avoid secluded places.
- Trust your instincts.
- If you see someone or something that concerns you, leave the area and contact police immediately.
The Santa Fe College Police Department and the Counseling Center are both great resources on SF's Northwest Campus for staying safe. SF is one of only four colleges in the Florida College System with a sworn police department. Our officers are available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Police escorts are available by calling the police department at 352-395-5519, and emergency call stations (blue phones) are located throughout the Northwest Campus.
Upcoming safety workshops:
- Personal Safety Workshop on Friday Sept. 12 at 1 p.m., in R-01.
- Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Class begins Oct. 20, call 352-374-1800 to register.
To receive emergency alerts form Santa Fe College, be sure you contact information is up to date in eStaff or eSantaFe. To receive UF emergency alerts to your cell phone, text "follow UFAlert" to 40-404.
For more information on safety visit or call 352-395-1800.