Parking Reminder for Faculty and Staff

August 24, 2014

As  fall term is now in full swing, we would like to remind faculty and staff to review the parking regulations below. With an employee parking decal, you may park in any designated parking other than police, fire or disabled parking. Lots 1 and 1A require a special permit.

Parking and Traffic Control

To maintain safety and to minimize parking inconvenience the following traffic regulations are enforced by the Santa Fe College Police Department according to rule 6.8 of the college administrative rules manual.

  • The speed limit on campus is 20 mph.
  • Handicapped zones are enforced at all times. Handicapped violations are $100.
  • Parking in a service drive for the purpose of loading or unloading requires a permit which can be obtained from the Police Department.
  • No parking on the grass unless the area is designated and clearly marked for parking.
  • Bike racks are provided. Bikes may not be taken into buildings or chained elsewhere.