GradesFirst training offered 4/16 and 4/17

April 10, 2014

Jade Lynn, GradesFirst Client Success Manager, will be on the Northwest Campus on April 16 and 17 to conduct GradesFirst training workshops and drop-in Q&A sessions for advisors and support staff.  Please note that seating is limited to 30 for each workshop session. GradesFirst training is sponsored by Navigating the College Experience, SF College's quality enhancement plan.  Please contact Rhonda Morris at or 352-395-5928 if you have questions or comments about any of the scheduled GradesFirst training sessions.

Wednesday, April 16

8-9:15 a.m.  GradesFirst for Experienced Users      Location:  C-119

Review of what students see/receive in terms of messaging, reminders, notifications.  Tips and best practices for staff who use GradesFirst on a daily basis. 


9:15-10:30 a.m.  GradesFirst for New Users    Location:  C-119

Introduction to GradesFirst software for those with advisor-level permission.  A review of the basic features of the software, perfect for casual users of GradesFirst or for advisors who would like to take advantage of GradesFirst's features more fully.  [This session will be repeated on Thursday 1:00-2:15.]


10:45 a.m.-noon Reports in GradesFirst     Location:  C-119

Overview of the various kinds of reports that can be generated through the GradesFirst system, with special focus on the types of reports most useful for advisors, and a showcase of the new analytics tool.   [This session will be repeated on Thursday 9:30-10:45.]


1-2 p.m.   GradeFirst's Tutoring Features   Location:  C-119

Aimed at administrators associated with tutoring centers and services, a showcase of features designed to connect students to tutoring resources and to support management of tutoring centers.


2-3:15 p.m.   Using GradesFirst to Connect with Students     Location:  C-119

Focused session on communication methods and scheduling, designed primarily for academic program and support advisors with caseloads.


3:30-4:30 p.m.   Drop-In Consultation with Jade     Location:  C-119

Stop in anytime during the hour to get answers to your questions or to offer feedback about the system.

Thursday, April 17

8-9:15 a.m. Advising Center Mode     contact Rhonda Morris for location and details

Advising center management and best practices, designed for staff who are already using GradesFirst to manage student appointments.

9:30-10:45 a.m.   Reports in GradesFirst   Location:  C-119

Repeat of Wednesday 10:45-12:00 session.

11 a.m.-noon  Drop-In Consultation with Jade    Location:  C-119

Stop in anytime during the hour to get answers to your questions or to offer feedback about the system.


12:30-1 p.m. A New Approach?  Service-Based Advising      Location:  C-119  

Introduction to a feature we are not currently using that connects students to advisors based on services offered (rather than program or caseload assignment).

1-2:15 p.m.   GradesFirst for New Users      Location:  C-119  

Repeat of Wednesday 9:15-10:30 session.


2:15-4 p.m.    Drop-In Consultation with Jade       Location:  C-119  

Stop in anytime between 2:15 and 4:00 to get answers to your questions or to offer feedback about the system.
