Just the Facts: No Guns on Campus

March 20, 2014

Have you heard rumors about changes in the law regarding guns on campus? What is the current status?  No guns are permitted on campus unless securely encased in a vehicle (except by sworn law enforcement personnel or as stated in very specific Exceptions in the rules).

Call Santa Fe College Police Department at 352-395-5519 with questions regarding firearms or weapons. Immediately report sightings of any guns or other weapons on campus. Familiarize yourself with College Rules and laws governing possession of weapons.

Historically, Santa Fe College, like most Florida colleges and universities, has prohibited individuals from bringing weapons on campus, even in their vehicles. This prohibition was in both Rule 3.38: Prohibition of Firearms and Weapons on College Premises and Rule 7.23: Student Conduct Code. A recent court case requires universities and, by implication, colleges to allow certain firearms to be on college premises if securely encased in vehicles.

Santa Fe College recently amended its rules to conform to this new requirement. This does not change the other prohibitions contained in the rules.  Despite rumors or discussions to the contrary, no guns are permitted on any college premises outside of a vehicle (except by sworn law enforcement personnel or as stated in very specific Exceptions in the rules). Even persons licensed to carry a concealed weapon or firearm are not authorized or permitted to carry such weapons or firearms on college premises.

Remember to check out more helpful safety tips on Safe Santa Fe.
