Swallowtail Farms CSA Update
December 9, 2013
This article is more than 11 years old and may contain outdated information.
Swallowtail Farms, a local CSA (community-supported agriculture program), has been bring fresh produce to some of Santa Fe College's faculty, staff, and students every Thursday since October.
It's not too late to join!
Swallowtail will prorate their fees based on when you join. If you are interested in participating in this CSA click here to enroll with Swallowtail.
The cost is approximately $25/week, but it is paid in one lump sum or in monthly installments before or during the early part of the harvest season.
Only SF faculty, staff and students are eligible to pick up their produce at Swallowtail's distribution point in H-building.
NOTE: Swallowtail Farms will waive the $100 sign-up fee if you type the coupon code "EARLYBIRD" in the CSA signup form.
Click here to read more about the Swallow Tail Farm's CSA. Click here to sign up!
Thank you for your continued support of sustainability on campus.
For more information, please contact Vilma Fuentes at vilma.fuentes@sfcollege.edu or 352-395-5030.