Professional Development Workshops Oct. 22-23

October 17, 2013

You asked for it and we deliver! We used the results of the Professional Development survey that so many of you responded to and decided on a few choice workshop titles to finish out the term. Most are only an hour and have both a morning and afternoon option so they will fit easily into your busy schedule.

  • Perfecting PowerPoint Presentations
  • Integrating Active Learning into Your Lectures, Part I
  • Integrating Active Learning into Your Lectures, Part II
  • Active Learning with Google Drive Tools
  • Flipping the Classroom
  • Canvas 101 Online
  • Web-Enhancing On-campus Classes with Canvas

Time is limited before final exams begin, but I hope you will be able to participate in one or two workshops in the next few weeks. We will have additional titles for Spring/Winter term and will repeat the ones listed above.

With the exception of Canvas 101, all the workshops are face-to-face. We are working on also providing many of the other workshops in an online format in the future.

Click the link below for all the details (descriptions, presenters, rooms, dates/times) and at the end you'll find an at-a-glance calendar for easy planning.

Online registration is simple and can be done at

Give yourself an early (and free) holiday gift and learn something fun and thought-provoking to start the New Year.

Discover and Enjoy!

For more information, please contact Lisa Ciardulli at 352-395-5817 or
