ATEC Announces Two New Canvas Learning Opportunities

September 9, 2013

Academic Technologies/Open Campus is pleased to announce TWO NEW CANVAS LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES!!!

First, a new online course, Canvas 101.  Canvas 101 pulls together all the individual workshops that were offered face-to-face this past summer in one comprehensive, easy-to-access online course.  It also includes all the topics that were covered in the two all-day Canvas: Soup to Nuts workshops offered in August.  The topics include:

  • Simplifying Canvas Using Modules
  • Communication Tools
  • Quizzes/Assessments
  • Grading and Assignments
  • Designing and Using Rubrics
  • Collaboration and Groups

Each course is facilitated by a live person, lasts four weeks, has specific start and end dates, and includes discussions and assignments. Each participant will also receive a separate Canvas shell to practice the skills learned in the workshop.  Participants who complete all the discussions, practice activities, and assignments will receive a certification of completion.

Most people will not require the entire four weeks to finish; in fact, the workshop is designed to require no more than a few hours.  However, four weeks is allotted to allow faculty members to be able to take their time, ask questions, share ideas, and use the practice shell to develop useful course materials that will actually be used.

Register at: 

Choose one of the following four Monday start dates: September 16, September 30, October 14, or October 28


Second, a 90-minute, face-to-face workshop designed for faculty who are brand new to Canvas and would like to use it to ENHANCE on-campus classes.  This workshop covers the basics of how to get started and use the Canvas features and tools that best supplement face-to-face learning, such as:

  • Disseminating information and instruction
  • Composing and organizing supplemental materials
  • Using groups for projects/activities
  • Submitting and grading assignments
  • Measuring student progress and providing feedback
  • Quickly identifying and contacting students who are falling behind
  • Using the scheduling tool


The dates and times for Web-enhancing On-campus Classes with Canvas are:

Friday, September 13, 1:00-2:30pm

Tuesday, September 17, 10:00-11:30am

Wednesday, September 25, 10:00-11:30am

(Additional dates will be added, based on interest)

Register at: 

Additional online and face-to-face titles are currently being developed.  Be on the lookout for future announcements.
