Ichetucknee Dreams

July 25, 2013

Click here (Opens in new window)to view Ichetucknee Dreams a film by Santa Fe College's Eric Flagg, Coordinator Digital Media and Graphic Design Technology.

Eric Says:

I've been photographing nature since I was a kid. After 10 years as a wetland scientist and environmental consultant I went back to graduate school to study documentary film and started a production company focused on environmental issues and education.

Since I started at Santa Fe College, being around the talented and creative faculty in our department as well as other closely connected departments,  I have been re-inspired I want to focus my personal art to capturing what really drove me to become a cinematographer in the first place. The beauty in nature the way I see it. I grew up in North Central Florida but have been lucky enough to travel and study abroad and every time I come back from those journeys I'm more enthralled with my own home. My wife describes Florida's nature perfectly; "It's subtle." You have to spend time in it and immerse yourself for it to reveal itself, sometimes at first glance Florida looks scratchy and tough. So that's what I'm planning to do with my personal works, create vignettes of Florida's natural areas that are entertaining and subtle and short so that more people will watch and remember how much there is to love and protect here in our state. I hope these videos give back.

This vignette was a combination of luck and training/practice. Having spent so much time immersed in wetlands as a field scientist I notice small details, like the fact that the log that just poked up out of river didn't come up a second time….something that a flowing river would cause, hey, that's not a log! I have never seen a manatee on the Ichetucknee before and this one just happened to make a visit the day I had all of my gear. I wanted this piece to feel like an immersion of swamp and spring/river, an element that is hard to explain until you go to one of our incredible springs…subtle.

Click here (Opens in new window)to view Ichetucknee Dreams.
