Apply by April 8 for RUE Festival, April 15-18

March 19, 2013

Students: Save the dates! One of Santa Fe's most auspicious annual events, the Research for Undergraduate Education (RUE) Festival, will take place during the week of April 15. Your friends and colleagues will present posters and other creative projects on a wide variety of academic topics from sociology to microbiology. There will also be a day (Wednesday, April 17) for singing, dancing, acting and music performances on the campus. Refreshments will be served at all events.

Do you want to participate? It is not difficult to turn your term papers into beautiful and informative posters. We can show you how. Just get your professor to sponsor you. Applications are due by April 8. Humanities posters will be shown on Monday, April 15; science and math posters on Tuesday, April 16. Creative presentations will be shown on Wednesday, April 17, and oral presentations will take place on Thursday, April 18.

Get more information from the RUE website: in new window). Or contact Denise Guerin ( or Bobby Hom ( with your questions.

Come and participate in this wonderful event!
