$2000 Awards To Help Promote Sustainability Within The SF Curriculum

March 1, 2013

Vilma E. Fuentes would like to announce the availability of up to four, $2000 awards to help promote the study of sustainability within the Santa Fe curriculum.  The awards are available to all full and part time faculty at the college and are to be dispersed this Spring and Summer semesters.   The application deadline is March 22, 2013.

If you  have any questions about this opportunity please email Dr. Fuentes or call her at 352-395-5030.

Click here to download the Sustainability Curriculum Award application.

This award will support full or part time faculty members who propose developing new course modules, course activities, faculty resources or other such projects that infuse the study of sustainability into existing courses. A maximum of $2000 awards will be distributed to award recipients during the late Spring and/or Summer A 2013 semesters.
