Update on AFC Chili Cook-Off/Wellness Event

February 28, 2013

Thank you for making the Feb. 28 AFC Chili Cook-Off/Fundraiser/Wellness Event a huge success!
And, as most of us know, these events don't happen without the help and support of many, many people, so AFC would like to thank…

  • Everyone who came today to enjoy chili or soup, show your support for AFC, take a break, and have some fun
  • The 15 people who cooked (and donated) their favorite soup or chili
  • Congratulations to our cook-off winners:
  • First Place Chili – Tom Mason with Tom's Black Bean Chili
  • Second Place Chili – Barbara Fields with Three-Bean Spicy Vegetarian Chili
  • First Place Soup – Neige Snider with Crock and Roll Chicken Soup
  • Second Place Soup – Krista Froiseth with Spicy Chicken and Hominy Soup
  • Thanks to our 3 judges: David Durkee, Doug Robertson, and Bea Awoniyi
  • The cooks, servers, set-up crews, sound system, music, and, well, everyone else who helped:
  • Debi McElroy, Gloria Kersh, Debbie Blair, Katherine Krause, Rita Revak-Lutz, Rebecca Rogers, Rose Christy, Julia Jucker, Carol Pugh, Dave Shlafer, Heather Domin, The Facilities dept. , Steve Yongue, and Warren Croke.
  • And, finally to Beverly Polk and Mikayla Klein for including Week 4 of the Spring Wellness Initiative "8 Weeks to a Better You" in today's AFC event with Wendi Malphurs of GHFC hosting 3 sessions of GET UP AND MOVE.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you all at the next AFC event.
Debbie Blair, President AFC
