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SF Direct Pay for Airline Ticket Purchase Reminder

February 18, 2013

Santa Fe College travelers have multiple alternatives available for where to purchase airline tickets economically for out-of-district travels. When World Class Travel (WCT) is selected, travelers are reminded that in order to purchase airline tickets where SF pays the vendor directly, WCT will only issue airline tickets if they are in possession of the Transportation Request (aka "TR") number and form.

In planning the trip, the traveler will get a good faith estimate of their itinerary from WCT and include that data on the travel request online submitted for approval. Once the travel request is approved online, the traveler must contact the Travel Clerk (Virginia Mira at 352-395-5215) in the Office for Finance with the WCT estimate to obtain a Transportation Request number and form. The traveler will then provide WCT the Transportation Request number and form via email, fax or in person. If the traveler does not provide a Transportation Request number and form to WCT by the next business day, WCT will not guarantee that the airline ticket price quoted will remain unchanged.

There has been some confusion because while both the Transportation Request and the Travel Request share the same initials "TR," they are not the same, and WCT will not accept the Travel Request T number in lieu of the Transportation Request number and form for issuing airline tickets.

See pages 14 and 38 of the Travel Guide for additional details.
