Panel discussion on the history and politics of the Cabot/Koppers Superfund Site
February 4, 2013
This article is more than 12 years old and may contain outdated information.
Sustainable Santa Fe and the Democracy Commitment are co-sponsoring a special panel discussion on the history and politics of Gainesville's $90 million Cabot/Koppers Superfund Site. This 140 acre site near Foster Elementary School was home to a Cabot Carbon Corporation from 1945-1965 and the Koppers Corporation from 1916-2009. Poor waste handling by both of these industries resulted in contaminated soil, groundwater and off-site surface water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the clean-up of this area will cost an estimated $90 million.
The panel discussion scheduled from 2 – 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5 in the Fine Arts Hall lobby will provide a historic overview of the Superfund site and highlight how community activism, the enforcement of environmental laws and local government intervention eventually led to the closure of these polluting facilities.
Panel discussants will include
- Donna Waller, a retired SF professor who lives in affected neighborhood,
- John Mousa from Alachua County,
- Rick Hutton from GRU and, possibly
- Mayor Craig Lowe (invited).
The panel discussion is a wonderful precursor to an art exhibit on the Superfund site titled "Region 4: Transformation through Imagination" scheduled to open at the Santa Fe Art Gallery (M147) on Friday, February 8. All are invited to attend the panel on Tuesday and reception for the exhibit from 7-9PM this Friday. The art exhibit will be on display through March 28. We hope you will be able to join us for both events.
For more information please contact Vilma E. Fuentes (352) 395-5030