World Renowned Peace Activist to Speak at Santa Fe College Jan. 18

January 10, 2013

World Renowned Peace Activist to Speak at Santa Fe College Jan. 18
Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, Guest Lecturer/Visitor: The Compact for Compassion

Following closely on the heels of convocation and continuing the theme of international relations and cultural tolerance, Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, a major force for worldwide interfaith understanding, will speak on the "Charter for Compassion" at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18, in the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall, 3000 NW 83 St.

The Charter for Compassion is a cooperative effort to restore compassionate thinking and action to the center of religious, moral and political life. The Charter transcends religious, ideological and national differences and encourages tolerance and understanding of all cultures.

Rev. Dr. Campbell is a co-creator of the Charter for Compassion, which Santa Fe College President Dr. Jackson Sasser will publicly sign on behalf of SF during Rev. Dr. Campbell's lecture. Santa Fe College will join the worldwide growing Charter community of 92,660 organizations that have signed to date.

The event is free and open to the public.

In addition to her speaking engagement on Jan. 18, Rev. Dr. Campbell will have lunch with a group of students on campus, sponsored by Santa Fe College Student Life, and will attend an invitation-only dinner hosted by Dr. Sasser just prior to her lecture.

About Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell
According to her bio, Rev. Dr. Campbell is the director of the Department of Religion at Chautauqua Institution in New York, having served for ten years as Secretary General of U.S. National Council of Churches.

Rev. Dr. Campbell also served as the first woman director of the U.S. office of the World Council of Churches and as a member of the U.S. State Department's advisory committee on Religious Freedom Abroad. Currently, she is the chair of the Global Women's Peace Initiative and The National Religious Partnership for the Environment.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, speaking about Joan Campbell, referred to her as "a woman of courage and compassion [whose] voice helped to bring an end to the evil of apartheid."

Rev. Dr. Campbell's continuing commitment to world peace is reflected in her work with the Charter for Compassion. In 2010 she was awarded the Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Award, and authored a book, "Living Into Hope: A Call to Spiritual Action for Such a Time as This."
