SF Police Offer Safety and Service this Spring

January 8, 2013

The Santa Fe College Police Department welcomes everyone back for the Spring semester. Our Police Department is located in Building T on the North side of the NW campus. SF is one of very few Florida colleges to have dedicated police officers at our campus and centers 24/7.

Services we provide you may not be aware of:

  • Escorts – for an escort, call 352-395-5519.
  • Dead car batteries – use our charger boxes for free to jump your car.
  • Lost and found – turn in an item or see if we have what you are missing.
  • Lost or need directions? – ask any police or security officer.

SF Police also enforce College rules:

  • Bicycles are allowed on roadways & should park in bike racks.
  • Skateboarding is prohibited on campus.
  • Smoking and tobacco products are only allowed in private vehicles, parking lots, & two (2) smoking huts on the NW campus.
  • Parking – There is enough parking for everyone but get here early if you want to park close in. Reserve spots are marked in blue. Motorcycles & scooters should park in designated spots.

Violations will be enforced and cited so help by abiding by these rules. SF Police and security officers value your safety. Help keep Safe Santa Fe. Visit the  SF Police Department safety page for more information on how to stay safe on campus
