Finals Week Planetarium Shows December 10-14, 2012

December 10, 2012

Final exams have you stressed? Then stop by the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium for "Planetarium Awareness Week", Monday, December 10 – Friday, December 14, 2012. This finals week tradition continues with presentations of our newest planetarium shows.

"We feel 'Planetarium Awareness Week' is a great way for faculty and students to 'de-stress' after an exam. Plus, it gives staff members an opportunity to experience the planetarium during their lunch break.", says planetarium coordinator, James Albury.

Admission is free for SF College students, faculty and staff. The general public is also invited to attend at the standard admission ($5.00 for adults, $4.00 for children/seniors, Free for children 3 years old and under).

The schedule for "Planetarium Awareness Week" is as follows:

Monday, December 10th

Tuesday, December 11th

Wednesday, December 12th

  • No shows scheduled

Thursday, December 13th

Friday, December 14th

For more information, visit the planetarium's website or contact James Albury, the planetarium coordinator (, 352-395-5381)
