Sept. 11 Webinar on National Policy Initiatives and Federal Distance Education Legislation

September 10, 2012

Dear Online Faculty,

Please join your colleagues for the following webinar sponsored by the Center for Instructional Design and Academic Technologies. The webinar will be held in P266 (seating is limited, so come early if you can). Following this one hour presentation, we will have a 30 minute discussion regarding the content and implications of the presentation.

Recent National Policy Initiatives and Federal Distance Education Legislation
Sept. 11, 2012 – 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern Time

Fred Lokken and Christine Mullins will review:

  • Recent federal legislation and policy initiatives that pertain to distance education-that could affect distance learning programs at colleges and universities around the country. They will
  • Steps taken to create a state compact for state authorization for out-of-state distance education institutions, the Department of Education's response to financial aid fraud rings, and the 2014 re-authorization of the Higher Education Act.

Fred Lokken will also discuss the results of ITC's 2011 Distance Education Survey and suggest possible questions for ITC's 2012 survey.
