Santa Fe College Welcomes New Police Officers

July 17, 2012

Two new Santa Fe College Police Officers will be patrolling SF. Officers Richard Smith and Michael Richardson recently completed two and a half months of field training where they shadowed and learned from other members of the Santa Fe College Police Department. They were released as solo officers in a ceremony held Thursday, July 12 at the Robertson Building cabinet room.

Dr. Sasser approved their hire in the Spring, and Officers Smith and Richardson were hired from a large pool of qualified applicants.

The ceremony also included an Oath of Office and Code of Ethics provided to newer members of the Department. General Counsel Patti Locascio administered the Code of Ethics and Lt. Ryan Woods presided over the ceremony. Dispatchers Adrianna Posey and Deloris Jernigan, and Officer Oscar Torres were all sworn in. They will also undergo field training and attend State certification classes as they learn their positions.

All of these personnel and all members of the Santa Fe College Police Department are committed to a Safe Santa Fe. Look for them at all of the SF campuses.
