Do Not Pay For Financial Aid Advice
April 17, 2012
This article is more than 12 years old and may contain outdated information.
The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) has been alerted to a company claiming to offer financial aid services at a cost.
Student Financial Resource Center (SFRC) offers financial aid counseling for a $59 fee. The California-based company asks students and parents to fill out a "student aid profile application" by a specific deadline and pay a processing fee. Once the company receives the application and fee, students and parents are supposed to receive a "financial aid package" including a list of available financial aid awards.
We have recently seen Santa Fe students targeted in a mail out similar to the one identified here. Students and families should be wary of paying a fee for financial aid filing or advice. It is difficult to distinguish between legitimate companies and scams.
There are various resources available FREE to students: Student Aid on the Web,, College Board Pay for College, and NASFAA's Students and Parent Resource page. Students and parents are also welcome to visit the Financial Aid Office at SF for assistance and information.