News from SF's International Education Office
February 1, 2012
This article is more than 13 years old and may contain outdated information.
Grants from the International Education Office
SF's International Education Office is offering several grant opportunities, including one to internationalize curriculum. It involves funding for activities that support the integration of international material into course curriculum. Fundable activities would include travel, purchase of equipment such as video cameras, or purchase of software. The application for this grant will be due in late February.
Study Abroad 2013 program proposals due in March 2012
All program proposals for study abroad programs to be run in 2013 Spring or Summer will be due earlier than usual this year. Please be ready to turn in proposals by March 23, 2012. If you are interested in learning more or receiving the Program Proposal Guidelines contact Allison.
If you are interested in learning more or receiving an application please contact Allison Nyamuame at 395-5607.