Florida Dance Festival on Tour to Visit SF Nov. 10-12

October 25, 2011

Mark your calendar for the Florida Dance Festival on Tour coming to the new SF Fine Arts Hall Nov. 10-12. The festival gives 350 middle and high school age dancers from all over Florida training and performance opportunities.

There will be two dance concerts open to the public in the Fine Arts Hall during the festival. The first is Dance Theater Santa Fe's Welcome Concert, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10. This features faculty works by Rodney A. Brown, a restaging of Doris Humphrey's "Soaring" by Tari Kendall, and other original works by SF dance faculty Jessica Mayhew and Melissa Canto.

The second dance concert is the Florida Dance Festival on Tour Showcase, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12. This features selected works from FDF workshop attendees with a featured collaborative work by DTSF and the University of Florida School of Dance, choreographed by University of South Florida dance faculty member Michael Foley.

Tickets for both concerts cost $15 orchestra; $12 balcony; $9 seniors, UF students with ID, and children 12 and under; and free to all with Santa Fe ID. Tickets may be purchased online(Opens in new window) or by calling 352-395-4181.

Photo credit: Hannah Farrell, College Relations

~ by Jess Delaney, Coordinator, Communications
