2011 Student Body General Elections – Vote Before 3 p.m. March 30

March 29, 2011

All currently enrolled students have an opportunity to elect the 2011-2012 Student Body Executive Officers and Student Senators in the 2011 General Elections via eSantaFe.(Opens in new window) Learn about the candidates by viewing the ballot now on eSantaFe or by viewing the parties' Facebook pages:

Voting runs from 8 a.m. March 29 through 3 p.m. March 30 via eSantaFe from any computer connected to the Internet. A polling location will be set up both days in E Courtyard to provide assistance to any student requiring help accessing eSantaFe and using the eVote system.

The election uses an Instant-Runoff system,(Opens in new window) where voters rank order the candidates. Learn more about Instant Runoff Voting here.(Opens in new window) The election results will be announced at the Student Senate meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 30 in WA-108.
