Sign-Up Now for your Personal Health Risk Assessment
March 23, 2011
This article is more than 14 years old and may contain outdated information.
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Florida is offering a Wellness Incentive Program to all Santa Fe College PPO, HMO, and HRA Health Care members. It begins April 5; all employees are encouraged to participate.
[Even Plan C members can participate in the Personal Health Risk Assessment (see below), but will not be eligible for the financial incentives.You will, however, get the customized health information.]
Via this program, you can earn incentives for engaging in a variety of wellness-related activities. For instance, you can earn a $25 reward certificate, redeemable at a variety of local vendors, just for participating in a "Personal Health Risk Assessment" session, being offered April 5 to 8 in R-01. After the assessment, earn points toward your next $25 incentive by participating in various activities outlined at your personal BCBS incentive website. Employees who continue their participation can earn an additional $50 reward certificate for 2011, for a total of $100 in incentives between now and the end of the year.
Why is BCBS willing to create an incentive program? Because one way to mitigate the rising cost of health care and stabilize insurance premiums is to work with the college to promote health education and healthy lifestyle choices to employees. If the college is successful in securing the participation of at least 50 percent of our BCBS-covered employees, BCBS will award funds to the college's 2012 Wellness program.
Please join us and invest in your personal wellness and take advantage of these incentive opportunities.
Click here (Opens in new window)to follow the three steps to sign up for your free health risk assessment and earn your first $25 incentive reward certificate.
If you experience difficulty with the website please contact the Human Resources Benefits Office at 395-5066 or 395-5191.