The “Erasables” CD Release Party
October 21, 2010
This article is more than 14 years old and may contain outdated information.
A message from Professor Gregg Jones:
Theatre Santa Fe and the Santa Fe Fine Arts department present “The Erasables” in concert for a one-night-only event, at 8 p.m. Saturday in the E Building Auditorium.
The members of the Erasables, Bob McPeek, Fagan Arouh, David Ottenberg, Rob Rothschild, and Brad Bangstad, are longtime contributors to the Gainesville musical landscape. Best known as the nucleus of The Relics, a band that set attendance records for the Free Friday concert series with their Woodstock tribute concerts, The Erasables are a group of studio veterans who have spent three years recording a finely honed album of original songs, entitled “Heads in the Sand.”
McPeek, who has produced an array of local and national bands in his long tenure at Mirror Image Recording studios, describes the project as a labor of love.
“We set out to make the best record we could, no matter how long we took,” he said.
The result is a compelling mix of styles over 12 songs by the three writers in the band, the sum total described by local reviewer/blogger Suzanna Mars as “more than just brilliant.”
The concert promises to be an amazing evening of rock and roll combined with theatrical surprises provided by Theatre Santa Fe students and special guest appearances by other local musical celebrities. There is even an unconfirmed rumor that Mick Jagger might make an appearance.
Come out and rock with the Erasables!