International Student Cultural Association – International Workshop March 20

March 18 at 1:13 p.m.

INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, Wed. March, 20, 2024, 2:00 p.m., R-01.

When: March 20th, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Where: R-001

Students will present a country, cultural group, nation, people, food or anything comparable for maximum 5mins (the shorter, the better). The goal is to make it INTERESTING:

– no boring facts

– no boring history

– no boring politics

Talk about something no one knows about, something funny, something you wouldn’t easily find on the internet. Keep it positive, we are here to connect and learn, not to be political. 

There will be a stage and microphone as well as a screen for a presentation. Powerpoint/Google Slide are encouraged but please use more pictures/videos and do not write too many words. Send them to us as early as you can.

It should be a SIMPLE as possible. Do not overwhelm yourselves. 

The most important focus is the fun behind it and to teach others about something interesting :)

At the end of the workshop, there will be a vote and the best 5 presentations will get gift cards:

  • 1st place gets $100
  • 2nd place gets $50
  • 3rd place gets $25
  • 4th place gets $15
  • 5th place gets $10

If you can, bring something for everyone to try or see. If you need funding, text us and we’ll see what can be done.

ANYONE can register in the link below. If you have ANY questions, please message me under:

Here is the registration link: