SF to Host Vaccination Event Aug. 26
August 25, 2021
Santa Fe College will host another COVID-19 vaccination event Thursday, Aug. 26, from
10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Gymnasium – Building V, Rooms 15 and 17 on SF's Northwest
Campus. The vaccination clinic will be run by the Alachua County Health Department.
Anyone seeking their first or second vaccination is welcome and the Health Department
will also administer booster shots to anyone who is immunocompromised or anyone over
the age of 65. Walk-ups are welcome and consent forms can be signed in advance by
accessing the Department of Health consent form through their website.
As the Delta variant of COVID-19 continues to spread, officials at Santa Fe College
are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. Both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
and public health experts have advised that vaccination is the best way to protect
individuals and communities. The SF COVID-19 webpage includes links to the CDC where updated information is available, including information
about booster shots for immunocompromised individuals.
You can also get a vaccination scheduled throughout the area by utilizing the following