WHM Service Project and Supply Drive Benefiting Days for Girls
February 23, 2021
SF students volunteering with Days for Girls in 2019.
Days for Girls increases access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating social enterprises, mobilizing volunteers, and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigmas and limitations for women and girls. Alachua County's chapter of Days for Girls has been instrumental in starting Days for Girls Enterprises in Kenya, Malawi, India, Peru, and Cuba. They are also helping local women save money, reduce trash, and be more comfortable managing both menstruation and incontinence with hand-sewn shields and liners. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Days for Girl took on sewing fabric face masks, and the Alachua chapter has helped create over 7,000 masks for local people in need. Throughout Women's History Month, we are helping them in two ways:
Service Project: You can volunteer to help Days for Girls from the comfort and safety of your own home! E-mail sarah.blanc@sfcollege.edu to sign up for a take-home kit with all the supplies you need to help Days for Girls trace and cut patterns. We will host a Zoom info-session on Thursday, March 18 at 2 p.m. to hear about Days for Girls and get an overview of volunteer responsibilities. Volunteers should sign up before Monday, March 15, and completed kits should be returned by Wednesday, March 31.
Supply Drive: Days for Girls has a short but specific list of items they need to create their sustainable menstrual hygiene kits:
- women's (size 5-7) and girls' (size 14-16) cotton underwear (no prints with animals, words, or food)
- washcloths (colorful ones preferred)
- hotel-sized bars of soap
We can only accept new, unused items for this supply drive. You can drop off donations in the lobby of S-Building weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. throughout the month of March.