Ethics Bowl Team Competed in Southeast Regional – Preparing for Two-Year College Championship

November 16 at 2:07 p.m.

November 16, 2020 – Santa Fe College’s Ethics Bowl team, fresh off a first-place finish in the Mid-Atlantic Regional, competed in the Southeast Regional this past weekend. As was the case the week before, SF was the only two-year college in the competition. SF ended up winning two of the three rounds, defeating Georgia State University and the University of Florida, and ended up finishing fourth overall in the competition.

The Ethics Bowl team now sets its sights on this weekend’s Two-Year College Ethics Bowl Championship, which will be hosted virtually at SF. This will be a unique hybrid event. SF’s team and teams from other two-year colleges have been recording parts of case presentations, which will be sent to judges this week. Friday and Saturday, the ten teams competing will engage each other and address the judges via Zoom. Trophies will be awarded to the top two finishing teams, as well as to the team that best exemplifies the spirit of the Ethics Bowl.

SF faculty serving as moderators of our virtual “competition rooms,” along with tech support, will be stationed in R-01 during both days of the competition.

Good luck, Saints!