Managing Election Anxiety

November 2 at 12:15 p.m.

Dear Santa Fe Students,
As election day nears and the discourse around it intensifies, you may be finding yourself feeling fear, anxiety, frustration, and more. These feelings are normal, but they can often leave us feeling isolated and overwhelmed, especially in this stressful time of physical distancing, racial and political tension, and economic uncertainty. Managing your feelings both before and after the election can be challenging, but there are ways to help deal with this election stress. Remember to:

  • Limit news intake on politics to reduce the need for certainty and control
  • Step away from checking social media constantly
  • Connect with nature and exercise
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Practice compassion and self-care
  • Do things you enjoy-music, dance, painting
  • Journal about what you’re feeling
  • Focus on the things that you can control and let go of things you can’t control
  • Practice mindfulness meditation focusing on kindness towards all
  • Explore apps that specifically provide strategies to manage election anxiety
  • Make a voting plan if you are eligible to vote
  • Use your voice-VOTE
  • Check out the following resources to better understand election anxiety and ways to manage it

Santa Fe College Counseling Center counselors are committed to providing a safe space for you to seek help, gain perspective and clarity, and overcome obstacles. Contact us at 395-5508 or email us at Video and phone sessions are available during this time of physical distancing to ensure access and safety.