How to Access Additional COVID-19 Signs for Your Workspace

July 16 at 5:16 a.m.

An example of one of the COVID-19 signs around college workspaces.

July 16, 2020 – As the college begins to bring students, faculty and staff back to the Northwest Campus and all of the SF educational centers, you will notice many different signs in place designed to enhance a safer environment. There are signs posted on entry doors, reminding you to self-assess your health, instructions to enter or leave buildings to the right, signs about small spaces with limited capacity and more.

As the college expects COVID-19 to be something we will need to be aware of for a considerable amount of time, you may eventually need to replace some of the signs in your area. You may also notice areas around your workspace where you feel one or more of the college approved signs are needed. If there are no signs in your area at all, please contact Safety and Risk Management Coordinator Marian Nesbitt at immediately.

All college-approved COVID-19 signs are available in the Santa Fe College photo gallery. There is also a link to the signs on the SF COVID-19 Resources webpage. Some signs have been pre-printed and laminated for durability. For signs and information as to their appropriate placement, please contact Safety and Risk Management Coordinator Marian Nesbitt at