Join the SF Teaching Zoo this July for a Plastic Free EcoChallenge

June 17 at 1:50 p.m.

June 17, 2020 – Inspired by an Australian-founded initiative, the Plastic Free EcoChallenge is a 31-day international challenge to raise awareness about the problems with plastic; to provide opportunities to learn about reducing and refusing plastics where possible; and to encourage individuals to create small changes that have a huge impact.

Reducing plastic use and pollution is as important as it ever was. However, preventing the spread of COVID-19 requires us to adapt to changing regulations and availability of plastic-free alternatives to prioritize public health and the safety of our communities. Currently, preventing disease transmission means that some people may have to forgo their preference for a zero plastic life for a less plastic life instead.

Throughout July, participants will use the EcoChallenge platform, which offers the opportunity to choose actions to reduce their consumption of single-use plastic. Participants will join the “SF Teaching Zoo Zero Wasters” team, and choose actions they pledge to take during the month of July. Each challenge category has a variety of actions, from watching videos, writing letters, changing daily behaviors or simply pledging to pick up trash. Teams are able to see their collective impact throughout the month and track other teams to encourage healthy competition.

How to join us

Step 1: Register with EcoChallenge and join the SF Teaching Zoo Zero Wasters Team.

Step 2: Watch this video to learn how to use the platform.

Step 3: Choose your actions and check out the resources to get prepared for July!

Step 4: From July 1-31, login to the Ecochallenge platform every day to earn points for any actions you took. Even if you didn’t complete an action that day, you can still check in by posting to your feed or answering a reflection question. You will earn points for each check in, and each action completed. Learn how to add a shortcut to EcoChallenge on your phone. 

There will be prizes to the top three point earners, as well as opportunities to win a ticket to the zoo based on point thresholds.