Proposed Changes to the By-Laws of the College Senate.

June 28 at 10:29 a.m.

June 28, 2019 – The Executive Committee of the College Senate at Santa Fe College is proposing a change to the College Senate’s by-laws. Specifically, there is a proposed change in language in Article III, Section B, Subsection 3 concerning proxy.

The existing language in the by-laws is “Proxy: Provision for proxy as stated in Article II, Section B of the By-Laws shall also apply to Standing Committees and special committees of the College Senate.

The proposed new language would add the following sentence. “In addition, committee co-chairs or acting co-chairs may designate a proxy from among full or part-time non-committee member meeting attendees. In such cases where committee membership is defined by Department or Salary Schedule classification, the designee must be a member of the specified grouping of the person they are filling in for.”

For reference, Article II, Section B, referred to in the proposed changes states the following. “1. Proxy: A member of the Executive Council who is unable to attend a meeting may send a proxy from his or her constituent group to any regular or special meeting of the Executive Council. The proxy shall notify the Secretary so that the member will not be listed as absent. A member may be represented by proxy at not more than three consecutive meetings. No individual may serve as proxy for more than one representative simultaneously.”

The changes will be voted on by the College Senate at their next scheduled meeting Tuesday, July 9, 2019. The meeting will be in Building P, Room 160, and begins at 3:30 p.m.

All College Senate documents can be found at