Saints of Santa Fe College – Kat Serino

June 10 at 10:31 a.m.

Kat Serino, Saint of Santa Fe College for June 10, 2019
Kat Serino, Saint of Santa Fe College for June 10, 2019

I moved here my junior year of high school because my father passed away and my mom was absent around the same time. I just didn’t have anywhere to go. So I moved here with my boyfriend because he had somewhere to stay here.

I like to work with the Earth. I feel connected to the earth. It’s a really good way to come up with a better future for us. That’s why I’m here at Santa Fe College, I want to make a difference among my peers. No more opioid overdoses, no more harmful pharmaceutical medicines, I’m here to heal people and help others.

I feel like in everybody’s heart everyone knows “this is right, this is wrong.” Stick to what you know is going to be right for you and what you know is going to make you happy in the next step of your life. Ask a bunch of questions.

I’m so lucky I got hooked up with Rachael and the PASS program in high school. She gave me so many resources and got me here. I really don’t have any parents to be like, “How should I do this? How should I word this?” I love that I can just go around SF and ask people to help me.

-Kat Serino, 18, A.A. Agriculture