Santa Fe College Student Alec Kissoondyal Wins Again

April 25 at 3:25 a.m.

Alec Kissoondyal
Alec Kissoondyal

April 26, 2019 – April has been a good month for Santa Fe College Student Ambassador and Florida Hemingway Society Student Ambassador Alec Kissoondyal. Alec was accepted to the F. Scott Fitzgerald Conference in France to present his paper on Fitzgerald and Hemingway. Earlier this month he was awarded a John Kuehl Travel Fellowship to help with the costs associated with traveling to France.

Alec also applied for the T.S. Elliot International Summer School held at the Institute of English Studies at the University of London. This week Alec learned that he was accepted to the school and was also given a scholarship to cover the cost of tuition, food, and extra educational trips. Alec will be studying under some of the world’s top Elliot scholars, and he will also be able to attend lectures by critic and playwright Sean O’Brien. Additionally, there will be a private reading and book signing by poet Dr. Hannah Sullivan. This is a prestigious program which generally accepts graduate students. Alec will do well representing Santa Fe in this impressive program.