Saints of Santa Fe College – Derrick Evans

January 7 at 12:20 p.m.

Before I came here, I worked at Amazon and Bass Pro. That’s when I started my current career path. I’ve been able to see both sides of the coin: what happens when you apply yourself versus what happens when you get complacent and don’t apply yourself. I learned that if I want anything in life, I’m going to have to work for it, and work hard. I lost my best friend the day I decided to come to Santa Fe. That same night I planned to tell him I was going to Santa Fe College, he passed away in a traffic accident. Now he’s not in my corner anymore. I don’t even think of failure as an option. I’m going to do this for myself and for him since he can’t be here. I was a C average student in high school but since coming here, I’ve had nothing but A’s. Even if I do fall, I’ll get up again.

Derrick Evans, A.A. Business Administration

#SaintsOfSantaFeCollege #WeAreAllSaints