Saints of Santa Fe College – Guillermo

September 4 at 8:34 a.m.

Guillermo, Saint of Santa Fe College for September 4, 2018
Guillermo, Saint of Santa Fe College for September 4, 2018

The year 2016—that was a strange one. That’s when my injury happened, at my annual National Guard training in Camp Blanding, FL. I was immediately sent to Ft. Stewart, GA to a medical recovery unit, where I met Major Carlos Guerrero. We were two of the very few people from Florida. This one, his loss, hit hard. Whenever you see somebody wearing them—the memorial bracelets—you know what they are; you know why. You see them in bars, you see them in restaurants. You know they were in the service or have a family member in the service. They wear the bracelets here in the Veteran’s Office. Everyone there understands because they are all veterans. From the moment you walk in, they treat you great.

– Guillermo, A.S. IT Security,#SaintsOfSantaFeCollege

Santa Fe College Veterans and Military Success Services