SF Signs Deal to Accept Early Childhood Education Students from China

November 13 at 4:56 p.m.

JPEC President Huang Zujie and SF President Jackson Sasser singing the articulation agreement.

November 13, 2017 – Santa Fe College signed an articulation agreement with Jinan Preschool Education College that will allow students from the school in China to pursue a bachelor’s degree at SF.

Under the terms of the agreement, JPEC students who have graduated from the school’s Early Childhood Education program with the equivalent of an A.S. degree will be able to transfer to SF’s bachelor’s degree program.

Officials from JPEC had the opportunity to tour the Northwest Campus, including the Little School, something JPEC does not currently have on campus but are considering developing.

Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Dan Rodkin, said that the agreement is an excellent cultural learning opportunity for both domestic and international students at SF.

“We are excited about providing domestic SF students the opportunity to learn about different countries and cultures from their peers.”

Dr. Rodkin said that SF could see 20 to 25 JPEC students attending classes as soon as the fall term.

The agreement was signed Monday afternoon as SF observes the start of International Education Week.