Changes Coming to eStaff Access

August 11, 2017

August 11, 2017 - In compliance with security and FERPA guidelines, the college will be updating items contained within the Additional Information folder in eStaff. While any employee with general eStaff access has access to the items within the folder, the links within Additional Information that permit access to the personally identifiable information of students will be deleted. The list below includes the links that will be deleted.

Employees must have a legitimate educational interest to have access to specific screens containing protected student information. If you currently use any of the links below from the Additional Information folder, please work with your area chair, director, or AVP to request access to necessary screens based on your job duties. Requests for access should be emailed to College Registrar Mike Hutley at from the appropriate chair, director, or AVP specifying the access needed and the corresponding job duties. The changes will go into effect on Wednesday, Aug. 16th at 4:30 p.m.

This is the list of links that will be deleted.

Enrollment Verification (SRSV)

Grades First

History Crs and Fee Activity

History Grade Roster

My Status

Name Browse

Stu Info/Status

Student Crs and Fee Activity

Student Information

Student Registration Errors

Student Transcript Information

View Student Notifications

View Student Schedule