Santa Fe College Brain Bowl Team to Compete in the NAQT

January 18, 2017

The Santa Fe College Brain Bowl team organized and hosted a Brain Bowl tournament Saturday, Jan. 14 at the Santa Fe College NW campus. Thirteen teams competed against each other in this quiz tournament with questions on literature, history, humanities and science.

Chipola College brought 3 teams to the tournament and dominated, with the Chipola Blue and Gold teams both going undefeated, ending in first and second place, respectively. The Valencia College Red team ended up in third place, the Chipola White team placed fourth, and the team from Tallahassee Community College rounded off the top 5. The Santa Fe College team (pictured) consisted of Noah Bush, Kyla Dalton, Theodore Massillon and Blake Stefanelli, placing eighth by winning 3 matches and losing 4.

The Santa Fe College Brain Bowl team will compete in the NAQT (National Academic Quiz Tournament) sectionals tournament next week in Bradenton, Florida.

For more information on Brain Bowl contact the coach Asha Brunings at