Santa Fe College Police Department Awarded First Ever "Higher Education" Award at IACP Conference

October 19, 2016

While in San Diego California at the annual International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference, Santa Fe College's Police Department received an award in "Special Recognition" in the category of higher education for community policing. No Colleges or Universities have previously received this particular award. Chief Book stated, "We received special recognition as a finalist in this category because they don't have a higher education category. The IACP/CISCO judging group felt our Safe Santa Fe efforts were distinguished enough to be recognized & invited us to this conference which had about 17,000 in attendance- very exciting!"

This award to the Santa Fe College Police Department was largely based on active partnerships & collaboration with other areas of the College such as Student Government, Student Affairs, Counseling, Facilities, & IT amongst others. Although this was the first, next year there will officially be a "Higher Education" category included in the award ceremony.
