Indulge In a Course at Santa Fe College Northwest Campus

September 30, 2016


There are often classes for the community at large that may be a bit different than those you generally see on our campus. Have you ever had the desire to learn Sign Language? Look below on information on one way you may be able to do that.

Sign language is a non verbal method of communicating with Deaf or hard-of-hearing persons. Participants will learn approximately 120 signs, along with fingerspelling and basic ASL grammar in this beginning class. No previous sign experience necessary.
Course Detail
5 W, starts 11/02, 05.30 pm-07.00 pm
Instructor: Sheila Lucas
SF - Northwest Campus, 3000 NW 83rd St., Gainesville
Fee $44.00
Total Seats: 25, Seats Filled: 0
Notes: Bring text "Signing Illustrated" by Micki Flodin, (approx. cost $20). No class on 11/23.
Seats Open: 25 Reg Opens 10/05/2016