Testing Center - New Hours & Weekend Testing
August 25, 2016
To improve services for students in online courses who may be unable to take proctored exams during regular business hours, the Testing Center (a.k.a. the BOL) is making two significant changes beginning Fall 2016.
Open Later
The Testing Center (N-216) will be changing its hours to Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (stop admitting students at 6 p.m.) and Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (stop admitting students at 3 p.m.).
Weekend Testing
In addition, we are excited to announce weekend testing hours. Starting September 3, testing will be available for students enrolled in online courses only in the Library, room Y109. The hours will be – Saturday and Sunday, 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. (stop admitting students at 4 p.m.).
Faculty must complete the Proctored Testing Form (also available from the website) and submit a class roster before sending students for proctored testing.
If you have questions, please contact lindy.russell@sfcollege.edu.
PLEASE ADD THIS INFORMATION TO YOUR SYLLABI and include the link to the Testing Center's website: www.sfcollege.edu/bol so students may check the schedule and rules.