Help support American Heart Association's Heart Walk

September 1, 2015

Santa Fe College has a wonderful opportunity, for those who are interested in supporting a worthwhile cause, partnering with the American Heart Association to support activities on our campus. Santa Fe College is hosting the 2015 Alachua County Heart Walk on Sept. 19. Additionally, we will sponsor some on-campus activities in the week leading up to this community event as part of the college's fundraising efforts for this charity.

Beyond hosting the community walk, the college is kicking off an internal campaign that includes raising funds on campus and creating walk teams. If you are interested in forming a team, joining a team and/or serving as a team captain, HR has packets of information provided by the American Heart Association.

While the college is the host site of this event and will be offering some opportunities for participation during the work week leading up to the event, participation and support of this charitable event is completely voluntary. Activities offered outside of work hours, like the community walk on Sept. 19, are not considered compensatory because employee participation is entirely elective. Likewise, activities held during the normal business hours of the college that coincide with an employee's standard work schedule will be considered compensatory and therefore participation requires advance supervisor approval.

Please contact Betsy Nunu,, if you are interested in participating in this event. More information will be provided in newSFeed and by direct email to those that express an interest in joining the SF Heart Walk supporting the American Heart Association.