Meet and Greet scheduled for CIO candidates Continues Jan. 22 ad 23
January 21, 2015
With the retirement of Mr. Tim Nesler, SF is in the process of seeking a new Chief Information Officer. Three candidates will spend a day on campus this month. You are cordially invited to attend each Presentation/Meet & Greet from 1-1:40 p.m. in S-29.
Thursday, January 15 Art Lieble, Chief Information Officer at Ellucian
Thursday, January 22 Bill Penney, AVP of Information Technology & CIO at Stetson University
Friday, January 23 Henry Glaspie, Director of IT at University of Hawaii
On each day at 1 p.m., the candidate will open the event with a 10-minute presentation on "Effectively Managing the Workload While Maintaining A Positive Work Environment in IT." The presentation will be followed by questions and answers from the floor and an opportunity to meet and greet.