Is PowerPoint Dead? Find out with Dr. Yonutas

October 22 at 8:30 a.m.

This could be your last chance to see our very own Dr. Dave Yonutas, performing live and in person, as he dazzles you with Perfecting PowerPoint Presentations!

Dave retires in January and you know you want to see him in action just one more time before we say goodbye.

Participate in one of the two PowerPoint workshops Dave will be conducting Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 10 a.m. or Wednesday Oct. 23 at 1 p.m. in P-266.  Here are all the details:

Perfecting PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint is dead, or long live PowerPoint, which one? Some of the criticisms leveled at PowerPoint have been that it:

·         Is boring

·         Is so old school

·         Fosters passive learning

However, these criticisms are really more reflective of the use of the application, more than of the program itself. Participate in this wonderful discussion of how to make PowerPoint better and more interactive in your class.

Please view the following video prior to attending the session:

Also, if you’d like, email Dave at with a few slides that reflect how you have used PowerPoint in an effective fashion. They may be used in the workshop.

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