Police Volunteers Help Keep Campus Safe

January 8 at 8:00 a.m.

Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Begin

A new addition to the SF College Police Department began in the late Fall and is now an active part of a Safe Santa Fe. Three volunteers — Tyler Gwynn, David Vazquez and Jonathan Vazquez — completed an application and formal training. They assist the police department in being “eyes and ears” for the College by walking parking lots, providing escorts and helping with special events. The SF College PD are looking to expand this new effort. Interested? Contact VIPS Coordinators Dispatcher Margaret Overstreet (margaret.overtstreet@sfcollege.edu) or Officer Fred Long (fred.long@sfcollege.edu) via email or at 352-395.5519.


Volunteers in Police Service are honored for their service during Fall, 2012. L to R - Tyler Gwynn, Chief Ed Book, VIPS Co-Coordinator Margaret Overstreet, David Vazquez, Jonathan Vazquez, Sergeant Dan Brainerd