Keep SF Safe During Winter Break

December 5 at 8:00 a.m.

Members of the Santa Fe College Police Department will be working 24/7 during the holidays. However, please take the following steps to help us in keeping you and all of the SF campuses safe and secure.

  • Notify police immediately regarding suspicious activity, persons, information or conditions. Call 352-395-5555 in an emergency and 352-395-5519 for all other matters. The police front desk in Building T will always be staffed.
  • Ensure that all expensive and valuable portable items are secured with recorded serial numbers. Examples are iPads, projectors, laptops, cameras, microscopes, charger cords, etc.
  • Do not leave money or smartphones anywhere, even in locked desk drawers.
  • Advise all employees who are not regularly scheduled to work during the break to contact the police if they are going to be on any campus during the time the college is closed.
  • Please do not leave personal vehicles on campus during the winter break.
  • All golf carts should be secured inside buildings or in the Building D compound.

Practice personal safety both on and off the SF campuses. Be aware, secure your residences and cars and call police regarding anything suspicious. Have a great and safe holiday season.

For more information, please contact Chief of Police Ed Book at 352-395-5883 or