SF Professor Ranked Fifth on RateMyProfessors.com

September 6 at 8:10 a.m.

RateMyProfessors.com, the largest online destination for college professor ratings, recently released its annual lists ranking the nation’s top university professors based entirely on students’ input. SF math professor Bridget Middleton was ranked fifth among university professors.

“Humbled,” said Middleton when asked how she felt about being rated number five. “It means a lot that students take the time to express their opinions of my teaching.”

Students posting on RateMyProfessors.com praised Middleton for her willingness to help and making math easy to understand.

“I didn’t understand anything about math until coming to [Middleton’s] class. Now I feel confident about taking a higher math class,” one student commented.

Another reviewer complimented Middleton’s friendly demeanor, “She is a wonderful, friendly, helpful teacher. Really takes the time to help students understand.”

Middleton credits some of her success with helping student to simply taking the time they need to gain an understanding of the subject.

“I believe each students has the ability to understand Math, and I am willing to take the time necessary to help them succeed,” Middleton said. “I am always amazed when students take the time to thank me, and let me know that my class provided a foundation and understanding for Math the helped them through the rest of their classes.”

Ratemyprofessrs.com also ranks the top 25 universities, Top 25 Junior Colleges and Top 25 Junior College professors. While the 2010-2011 top universities list was dominated by many of the nation’s biggest state schools, smaller universities and private schools had a more prominent presence in this year’s rankings.

“There’s no higher honor for teachers and schools than to be praised by the students who are being impacted by their influence every day,” said Carlo DiMarco, Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Development, mtvU. “We extend our sincere congratulations to all of the professors, universities and junior colleges on our top lists.”

RateMyProfessors.com is built for college students, by college students, and reaches six million college students on average each month. To come up with the top listings, each individual professor rating is first standardized and weighted, putting more weight on recent years and lesser weight on ratings from the past. Using the weighted score, professors are ranked from high to low. Only professors with 30 ratings or more are included to provide statistical significance.

The full lists for all categories, and more student comments on Professor Middleton can be viewed at toplists.ratemyprofessors.com.